Luxury writing paper
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism And Film Essay Example For Students
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism And Film Essay Outline1 Neoclassicism2 Romanticism3 Realism4 Impressionism5 Post-Impressionism6 Late nineteenth Century Architecture7 Early on twentieth Century Architecture8 Suprematism9 Constructivism10 Dada11 Surrealism12 German Expressionism13 Fauvism14 Cubism15 Bauhaus16 American Abstract Expressionism17 Pop Art18 Earth Art19 Minimalism20 Performance Art Neoclassicism Neoclassicism ( started after 1750 ) was a resurgence of Greek and Roman workmanship ; an immediate response to the excess of Baroque and Rococo habits. During the American and Gallic Revolutions, the political climate started to tilt towards an Age of Reason and Enlightenment. With regard for old style Roman and Greek craftsmanship restored after diggings of Herculaneum and Pompei, endeavors for way to join to teaching made an unavoidable return the works of art . During this period, the proficient undertaking as often as possible incorporated a dread for nature, custom and the works of art, virtues (, for example, enthusiasm and boldness ) , alongside a second thought for innovation. Early plant of imaginative people, for example, Jean August Dominique Ingres and especially Jacques-Louis David incorporated the topical components related with Neoclassicism. Jacques-Louis David s Oath of the Horatii can be considered as a defining moment for the start of the neoclassic way. The image has numerous characteristics equivalent with neoclassicism. It is a tribute to Roman history, imagining three work powers with serious, emotional and differentiated lighting, clarity of the characters structures/signals, and a deliberately basic forming. David s Death of Marat is another representation of a showy piece that consolidates a fair creating and imagery ( affliction ) with the ethical undercurrent of the image. Two different representations of Neoclassic ist pictures are Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne and La Grande Odalisque. Sentimentalism Sentimentalism ( early-mid nineteenth century ) was in response to Neoclassicism. Highlights of Romanticist pictures incorporate painterly brushstrokes, an away from of feeling, nature, and diagonals. A few outlines of this sort of craftsmanship incorporates Liberty Leading the People and Death of Sardanpalus by Eugã ¨ne Delacroix where his capable utilization of expressive brushstrokes is made seeable. Freedom Leading the People is a representation of a romanticized image of France. Distinctive cultural classifications can be seen in Gallic Romanticism, where the dead, perishing, more grounded, and most grounded are explicitly designated all through the piece. Different representations of Romanticist craftsmanship incorporates The Raft of Medusa and Evening: Landscape with an Aquaduct by Thã ©odore Gã ©ricault. English Romanticism was progressively focussed on using unadulterated reflection to help make look. Models incorporate J.M. W. Turner s Burning of Parliament and Rain, Steam and Speed The Great Western Railway. This kind of utilization of ocher and white run was normal, alongside peaceful components. John Constable s The Hay Way and Dedham Vale are two different outlines of British Romanticism. This kind of craftsmanship was anything but difficult to take a gander at for the observer. Authenticity Authenticity ( mid nineteenth century ) was made by a Gallic gathering called the Barbizon School. Like the name suggests a commitment to looking to catch within informations through perception was a focus on the Gallic Realists. Models incorporate Woman with a Pearl and Venise, La Piazzetta. Pragmatists did non needfully look to quicken what was straight in forepart of them, seting the situation to make a perfect piece was normal and progressively commonsense. Different delineations incorporate Jean-Franã §ois Millet s The Sower and The Gleaners. These kinds of plants motivated the ( station ) impressionists that would see these showed pictures later on. Authenticity in scenes is other than found in Courbet s plants, for example, Plage de Normandie and Self-representation ( The Desperate Man ) Impressionism Impressionism ( 1870s - 1880s ) was a term made from the main named Impressionist work, Claude Monet s Impression, Sunrise. Qualities of this sort of painting incorporates the grip of craftsmanship history, and a regard upon obvious radiation. Brush shots are seeable in spite of non being strong. Minutes are caught, and cut is a measurement that is cardinal in this sort of workmanship. Another representation of a Monet that reflects Impressionism s includes great is Woman with a Parasol. Impressionism was a way that turned out to be incredibly grown, each brushstroke had its topographic point, working with a very particular bed. Edgar Degas New Orleans Cotton Exchange and The Dance Class are two praised delineations of Impressionism. These photos of show move terpsichoreans got equivalent with the movement. Music in the Tuileries and The Luncheon on the Grass by Édouard Manet both farther show this sort of freeze-outline feeling. There is a sure rest to this movement, and however the strategy is variable, it at long last outcomes in a delicate vibe to the image. The female figure was other than as often as possible in the forefront of these pieces because of the political feeling, and the kind of temper they helped set up inside a piece. Post-Impressionism Post-Impressionism was a term authored by Roger Fry for one of Manet s ulterior shows. After done tolerating the basic able issue, and inadequacy of compositional information position in Impressionism, Post-Impressionist imaginative people thought of their ain approaches to reproduce some a greater amount of the customary compositional qualities into pictures. Georges Seurat utilized pointillism, a method using purposes of shading material to give them to intermix access to new colorss through optical similarity, in his pieces, for example, Circus Sideshow and Le Chahut. Vincent Van Gogh utilized common feeling and expressive brushstrokes in his pieces ( Ex: Starry Night over the Rhone and Sunflowers, two of the most conspicuous post-impressionist plants ) to vivify his ain life and all the melancholies that were contained inside it. Different representations incorporate Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec s At the Moulin Rouge: Two Womans Waltzing and Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge. Late nineteenth Century Architecture Joseph Paxton s piece The Crystal Palace was a response to the Industrial Revolution, a piece that was the outcome of a movement off from conventional stuffs, for example, wood. Or maybe, a designed development towards steel and new, further developed stuffs was made. The Eiffel Tower ( named after its applied researcher Gustave Eiffel ) is another representation of this sort of engineering. An internation image for France, the pinnacle is an innovation wonder, in spite of its extraordinary horrible judgment. Utilizing carefully steel for the development of the natural structure, it is a geographic endeavor of the new stuffs accessible during the age. At an early stage twentieth Century Architecture This kind of design was an immediate connection with Bauhaus. Craftsmen, for example, Frank Lloyd Wright started exploring useful signifiers, and houses being populating machines prompted the inventive action of his plants, for example, Falling Water, The Robie House and The Walter Fale House. The level rooftops and cantilever frameworks were exchange name new considerations in this kind of workmanship. Different delineations incorporate Le Corbusier s Center Le Corbusier and Villa Savoye. Walter Gropius and Mies Van Der Rohe other than investigated the additional opportunities made by motorization and plants. ( canvassed in Bauhaus ) Suprematism Suprematism ( which started in 1915 ) was a carefully Russian craftsmanship movement was contrived by Kasimir Malevich as an age devoted to geometric signifiers. Painting was decreased to musings having a place with an incomparable world that typified the part of immaculateness. This was a period that met cubo-futurism and ( yet came fairly before ) Suprematism. Lyubov Popova was another of import inventive individual during this movement and an individual from Malevich s Supremus gathering. His convention was that craftsmanship ought to be decreased into a strict portion that surpasses the limits of confidence and achieves the mastery of unadulterated feeling . These photos were least and done in an added substance way. Malevich s Suprematist Composition: White on White is a definitive outline of Suprematism. After much experimentation with the inclining of a four-sided inside a four-dimensional edge and tinkering with the connection among workmanship and logical control, the outcome was a fantastically unadulterated painting using two sunglassess of white. Another outline would be Malevich s Black Square. Constructivism Constructivism ( 1919-1934 ) , actually expecting to fabricate was a disciplinary creative way that rose during the Russian Revolution. The new Communist request had chosen to come on the musings Analytic Cubism into the third measurement through figure. Contemporary, mechanical stuffs, for example, glass, steel, wood, plastic were utilized so as to put forth innovation attempts that were past craftsmanship for workmanship s intrigue . The movement was amazingly evolved by Vladmir Tatlin, Naum Gabo, and Aleksander Rodchenko, the last two who authoritatively instituted the term. Orchestrating to Tatlin and his followings, these structures were extremely 4-dimensional. Since they inferred motion, they other than suggested cut. The most conspicuous bit of Constructivism was Tatlin s exertion to make The Monument to the Third International. Intended to be built out of glass, Fe and steel, it was wanted to hold been a pinnacle to override the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Regardless of whether the building to make the commemoration had been accessible, there would in all probability have been little to no auxiliary common sense to it. In this kind of valuable structure craftsmanship, magnificence is joined with some sort of guide or geometry: a twin winding being the central development, coat four suspended signifiers ( a standard hexahedron, pyramid, a half of the globe, and a chamber ) all have reasonable usages, and the full piece comprises of advanced waies to move peo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
RR communications Free Essays
string(108) of the issue is by all accounts the division of framework that rewards singular execution over organization profit. Because of the division among offices, the organization has been not able o meet detailing necessities for the Serbians Solely Act. It has demonstrated clear that a common IT administration, which is normalized among all the units, is expected to guarantee everything works out in a good way. The principal issue we see at OR Communications is that there is a clear absence of concentrated and compact IT administration. We will compose a custom paper test on RR correspondences or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now As of now the entirety of the different elements of the organization have their own individual initiative with no focal authority. Thus, every one of the segments takes activities and settles on choices dependent on how it influences their own specific divisions. There Is no appointment to guarantee that the demonstration of one zone doesn't adversely influence the remainder of the firm. This In turn has prompted a gallants absence of consistency over the association, which Is harming client relations. There are brought together databases and each segment keeps up their own arrangement of records; this is causing extraordinary disappointment among their clients who persistently have issues when managing more than one territory. A significant part of the division of offices has been brought about by an absence of focal initiative. The CEO of the firm has neglected to bind together the division or attest any introduction over the individual IT VPs. Despite the fact that they answered to him, each had acted totally autonomously. This ceaseless disappointment of administration has caused the division heads to build up a feeling of detachment and self-endurance. Despite the fact that another official UP of IT has been designated to carry solidarity to the firm, there has been serious obstruction as every division feels It will endure. The absence of concentrated administration for such a long time has caused critical disunity between the offices that will require extensive exertion to survive. In Dalton, this organization disposition has adjusted down from the VSP to the center and lower the executives making a general climate that is hazardously disconnected. Indeed, even the proposal of uniting the database frameworks and the board has caused a close to mutinous uprising and dismissal of administration. The current administrative air has been around so long, the mentality of independence has been profoundly inserted in the corporate culture. While, singular reasoning is valuable to cultivate development and inventiveness, when the whole association acts to fulfill just its individual prerequisites, the firm by and large will endure. Except if this mentality can be survived, any endeavor at carrying solidarity to the organization will fall. From the specialized viewpoint, OR Communications is experiencing a seriously cracked data the board framework. Each segment of the organization manuals Its own Individual client databases, which are In Incompatible arrangements. In the event that a client manuals associations with progressively, at that point one division, they get bills from every individual territory. Client issues regularly neglect to get causing issues with lessened consumer loyalty. Furthermore, without a brought together database, full client data and insights are illogical to choose. Notwithstanding enduring by not having the option to gather nitty gritty records, the organization is confronting administrative issues by not having the option to give total data on the company’s exercises, and critical assets are being squandered to collect straightforward reports. As of now the executives and partners at OR Communications accept that an aggregate arrangement is unimaginable, and any endeavor to do so will make them endure. While the facts may prove that the underlying usage of such a framework will require a noteworthy aggregate exertion, the final product will be well justified, despite all the trouble. It is additionally evident that a significant part of the viewpoint of the board is incredibly short sided; ventures are chosen just dependent on an extremely tight and constrained advantage see with no respect for their drawn out reasonability. As an ever increasing number of frameworks have been fixed together to satisfy quick holes, the general assortment of projects has gotten an unwieldy, wasteful, and unmanageable wreckage. A genuinely proficient framework would be one that is sweeping and imparts over all aspects of the association to convey a bound together and completely coordinated data framework that can increase the value of the firm. One other significant issue at OR Communications is the expansion of rouge ventures finished without oversight or respect for how they will influence the firm. In a huge organization each venture ought to be analyzed to decide how it could offer some benefit to the association before being propelled. At OR Communication ventures are being propelled that advantage just select regions and may in actuality be making a critical negative effect the remainder of the firm. The organization as of now doesn't have a directing or working board to supervise and apply command over these undertakings. With no type of unified control and provenance, these rouge ventures will keep on attacking the viability of the association. Absence of basic data and endeavor IT system has caused a few issues for the business and the IT branches of OR correspondences. Client support has endured and client disappointment has developed. Absence of basic data has made it hard for the executives to screen the organizations all in all. Specialty units can't trade data and stay uninformed of the other divisions’ work. There is little feeling of how the divisions cooperate to meet the company’s generally speaking objectives. The bookkeeping issues make it hard to give investors precise money related data, and the framework isn't financially savvy regardless. Besides, every division working at singular level to accomplish its prosperity makes them unbending and incapable to adjust to evolving necessities; under these conditions even the usage of new innovation will be amazingly troublesome. The association can't work effectively all in all or at division levels, and the expenses will undoubtedly continue expanding. Investigation: As many irritated clients can likely concur, being moved starting with one loft of the organization then onto the next again and again to determine a straightforward issue is one of the primary reasons numerous organizations lose clients. This is surely an issue at OR Communications. The fundamental driver of the issue is by all accounts the division of framework that rewards singular execution over organization benefit. You read RR correspondences in class Papers The way that the four CICS decline to cooperate and fall back on disrupting the endeavors of the others, serves to show that they are increasingly intrigued by their own narrow minded money related objectives. While the leader of the organization may have been a visionary and splendid business person, he came up short on the administrative aptitudes to perceive the need to have a bound together commission framework which would cultivate investment in a shared objective, and therefore a typical commission which is associated on each of the four specialty units would be generally helpful to the organization. Bringing together IT Resources The most significant issue for OR Communications to address is a huge lack of effective data the board, reflected by the confounded condition of their client data databases. Right now client information is dispensed in independent databases for each segment of the organization, with the goal that information starting with one condo isn't accessible then onto the next. Hence, clients are compelled to keep up associations with different divisions and get charging from each. This division implies that important data assets are not being adequately used, harming the firm’s profitability and productivity. To improve the condition of data capital at OR Communications, a total upgrade of the present frameworks will be important, from both an IT and business outlook. Data speaks to an imperative advantage for any organization. This can be as client accounts, deals records, look into advancement, budget reports, and so on. In any case, so as to acknowledge full advantages, a similar data must be promptly open by every single individual unit, with the goal that the organization can use it in the most proficient way. The initial step to address the issues at OR Communications is to make a brought together information engineering that consolidates all data assets into a focal database that is open to all segments of the firm. By giving a unified database customers will be ideally serviced by permitting total access to client records all through the organization. This will likewise improve revealing capacities, lower regulatory expenses, and clatter increment the estimation of data assets. To accomplish the best advantage to the organization, OR Communications could unite its information from numerous storehouses into a bound together venture information stockroom (DEW) (Smalls, 2011). This design gives numerous advantages including a solitary area for all data stockpiling diminishing the measure of copied endeavors. This additionally significantly improves the uprightness of information by giving a ‘single variant of the truth’ (Smalls, 2011). At the point when information is spread all through numerous databases, perpetual some of it will vary. For instance, a customer’s address may have been changed in one office however not another. These distinctions can demonstrate exorbitant to an organization. A brought together DEW implies that just one record should exist for every client and lessen information disparities. Having such an incorporated framework would likewise fulfill client needs in a progressively proficient way and would assist with intersection sell items, which thus would bring about higher benefits and more benefit for the organization. By permitting clients to have a solitary purpose of contact, and sharing data by normalizing programming and databases across he association, data will stream all the more uninhibitedly and promptly av
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News Billionaire Darden Alumnus Rebuilds Brooklyn
Blog Archive MBA News Billionaire Darden Alumnus Rebuilds Brooklyn Not often do real estate developers have the liberty to create an entire neighborhood from scratch in one of the most densely populated cities in the country. University of Virginia Darden School of Business alumnus David Walentas (64), who is featured in Forbes magazine this month, seized on just such an opportunity in the late 1970s by transforming a dilapidated industrial landing under the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges into what is now one of the most high-end neighborhoods in New York Cityâ€"known as Dumbo (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass). After earning his MBA from Darden and making his first foray onto the New York City real estate scene, Walentas borrowed $12M to build up a neighborhood that now lists individual penthouse suites for $15M. Dumbo’s name has since become synonymous with luxury lofts, art galleries, artisanal shops and boutique retailers, in addition to serving as a hub for tech and start-up ventures. Although Manhattan has given birth to plenty of real estate moguls, Forbes points out, “Walentas is the first billionaire to ever make his money almost entirely in New York’s coolest borough.†In a profile this month, Forbes discusses Walentas’s next big move in Manhattan real estate. Share ThisTweet News University of Virginia (Darden)
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Efficacy Of Ck2 Inhibitors Essay - 974 Words
AML xenograft model: For the proposed studies to test the efficacy of CK2 inhibitor in AML, we have transduced the human AML cell line, U937 and human APML cell line, HL60 with a lentiviral vector carrying the luciferase gene. The luciferase-producing U937 and HL60 cells were injected via the tail-vein into NOD.Cg-Rag1 Il2rg/SzJ (NRG) mice. After 3-5 days, engraftment of AML cells was confirmed by bioluminescence imaging documenting one log increase in quantitative signal measured by the IVIS Xenogen reader. Pilot results in two animals demonstrate that both U937 and HL60 luciferase-producing cells successfully established leukemia (Fig 6). Thus, we have demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed experiments by establishing two luciferase tagged AML murine xenografts models in which to assess therapeutic efficacy of CX-4945. Experimental approach: 2.1) Test the therapeutic efficacy of CX-4945 in AML cell line derived murine xenograft model We will use 4-6 weeks old female, NOD.Cg-Rag1tm1Mom Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NRG) mice to create AML xenograft models. Ten mice per treatment group will be injected with 2x106 luciferase expressing U937 cells via tail vein. After confirming engraftment by using bioluminescence imaging, treatment with CX4945 will be initiated. Visible signal or one log increase in signal will be used as indication of engraftment. The treatment group will receive CX4945 at 100mg/ kg via oral gavage, five days a week for three weeks and the control group will
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Reality TV Essay - 1074 Words
Reality TV: The Rise of a New Show â€Å"The Contender†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One of the newest shows to hit the vast majority of reality TV shows that already exist is The Contender. The Contender is a show that focuses on all the hardships, training, pain, and dilemmas that a boxer, who is preparing to fight, must endure. The Contender will be a very successful show, because it has the attributes of raw emotion that can’t be found when a director is yelling ‘action,’ and ‘cut.’ By raw emotion I mean that the viewer has reason to watch the television show due to an emotional attachment, besides the mere entertainment value, or for the love of the sport of boxing. Viewers fall in love, but instead of characters, they are able to fall†¦show more content†¦The Contender is centered on a group of professional boxers who are contending for a one million dollar prize. They essentially must fight one another in single elimination five round fights. The fights are set up and the fighters are chosen by one of the two teams that win the challenge before the fight. The rules of the game are established, but this is the backdrop to what the show truly is. The show is a success due to the battle of emotion, not the battle of fists between the men in the ring. The rules for reality television shows, are just measures to evoke emotion. Other great examples are the betrayals and voting in Survivor, or the decisions in The Bachelor. The Contender accomplishes what all of the great reality television shows accomplish. The raw emotion is brought to the viewer through a family member, loved one, or even a mentor. The Contender establishes a background story for every boxer allowing for a connection to be made between the viewer, and the contestant. The connection is what allows for the viewer to continue watching for the weeks ahead. These men are shown training for their goal, and shown putting in the extra work to make a dream come true. However, one thing that The Contender has that is not found in many other shows, and a reason for its success, is the determination and drive of the competitors. The twist to The Contender is that all of these men have beenShow MoreRelatedThe Reality Of Reality Tv908 Words  | 4 PagesToday’s audience grabs hold of reality TV now a day. Looking forward week to week to watch these unscripted real life situation shows. In a way it s becoming increasingly hard to avoid not watching. Some viewers see the TV show and tend to be attention seekers, and reality TV allows them to fantasize about achieving status through instant fame. Too much reality TV may lead viewers to idealize real world situations, like romanticizing dating. Like when Truman saw the girl in the library who was anRead MoreThe Reality Of Reality Tv991 Words  | 4 PagesI truly believe that reality TV needs a different name. 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Critics and bloggers heavily criticize the negative teachings of Reality TV and indirectly force viewersRead MoreThe Reality Of Reality Tv Essay1601 Words  | 7 Pagesreasons. Reality TV is a common source of entertainment on various channels and media outlets. The purpose of reality TV is to â€Å"promise more drama, suspense, and laughter while pushing the envelope of what is morally and socially acceptable, funny, and, of course entertaining†(Glouner et al.). This type of media allows real people to connect to those on TV. Reality is not completely real, there are aspects of it that are scripted, rehearsed and complet ely altered (Crouch). Reality TV has existedRead MoreThe Reality Of Reality Tv Essay2065 Words  | 9 Pagesis also generally known that children can be easily influenced by what they see on television. Reality TV is no exception to this rule. It may appear that reality TV is a benign phenomenon but it is in fact a virus that has quickly diseased our society. 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JeremyRead MoreThe Reality Of Reality Tv Essay1919 Words  | 8 PagesCreeber (2008) the genre of reality TV is typically shaped by the weekend program, followed by results and elimination – hence, Dancing with the Stars has performances on Sunday and results of voting of Monday. As shown by Throng (2015), this episode, screened July 12, had 346,930 people watching with a potential audience share of 8.3% of total viewers watching TV at that time, which can be compared to the competition on other stations (Neilsen, 2015; Throng, 2015). TV One screened Sunday at 7-8pmRead MoreReality TV Research1402 Words  | 6 PagesReality TV Research Why is that reality TV shows instead of encouraging, end up discouraging someone? The whole purpose of being a part of a TV show is try to win because you feel confident in what you are competing for. However in shows such as Americas Next Top Model the judges seek for the contestants flaws and point them out. According to Jennifer Pozner’s â€Å"Ghetto Bitches, China Dolls, Cha Cha Divas†reality shows contradict themselves. Pozner points out that a contestant was asked what sheRead MoreReality Tv Shows855 Words  | 4 PagesBased on these criteria qualified industries were call centres and reality TV shows. In deciding between these alternatives, I interviewed a few stakeholders within the call centre and media industries. The feedback was that there is minimal use of video interviewing within these industries, which suggests a blue ocean opportunity. In addition, we had a conversation with the CEO of Kira Talent. We discovered that Kira Talent had pitched to comp anies with huge call centre operations previously, butRead MoreThe Race On Reality Tv866 Words  | 4 PagesRace on Reality TV A unique feature of reality TV makes the show as a site where we can find how the tolerance is conducted in real life, in terms of race, gender, and foreignness. As an â€Å"unabashedly commercial genre united less by aesthetic rules or certainties than by the fusion of popular entertainment with a self-conscious claim to the discourse of the real’’ (Murray Ouellette, 2004, p. 2), reality TV enjoys its privilege of dealing with the controversial issue such as racism with ease, through
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Genetic Testing A Type Of Medical Test - 2264 Words
To screen, or not to screen, is the question. Genetic testing is a type of medical test that identifies changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins. The results of a genetic test can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition, help determine a person’s chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder or link up and reunite lost family lineage, ties (Sofge, 2014). For instance, the American reality TV star Snooki once thought she was Italian-American but her skin color was too dark. A genetic test showed that she had been adopted and her parents came from Chile instead. Regardless of the myriad benefits of genetic testing in solving various human mysteries and identification of people in criminal cases (innocent or guilty),†¦show more content†¦A chromosomal genetic test technique analyzes the whole chromosomes or long lengths of DNA to verify if there are any large genetic changes, such as an extra copy of a chromosome that cause a genetic condition of conc ern to one’s health ( Scuffham MacMillan, 2014). The biochemical genetic tests technique study’s the amount or activity levels of proteins; abnormalities in either may indicate changes to the DNA that result in a genetic disorder. Evidently, genetic testing can provide information about a person’s genes and chromosomes. The available types of genetic testing include: The newborn screening that is performed after birth to identify genetic disorders that can be treated early in life. In the United States (U.S), millions of expecting parents provide consent for their babies to be tested each year. Currently, almost all states test infants for phenylketonuria (PKU), a genetic disorder that causes intellectual disability and congenital hypothyroidism, a disorder of the thyroid gland if left untreated. Diagnostic type of genetic testing is done before or after birth to identify or rule out a specific genetic, chromosomal condition. In many cases, it is used to confir m a diagnosis in suspicious condition based on physical signs and symptoms (Scuffham MacMillan, 2014). The results of a diagnostic
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
It Is the Minor Characters Who Create Much of the Interest in Jane Eyre free essay sample
Minor Characters often act as the catalysts for larger events with in a characters life; it is through interaction with people around them that our protagonists are defined and redefined. It is thought this interaction and the interest individual characters evoke that make minor characters with in both these novels so vital. This essay will explore how minor characters with in the novels ‘Jane Eyre’ and ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ impact upon the lives of our central characters; as well as the interest they bring through their individual complexities, and how this in turn creates much of the interest with in these novels. Within the troubled childhoods of our protagonists particular importance is often placed upon the parental figures with in there early lives. Within ‘Jane Eyre’ Mrs Reed and Mr Brocklehurst are the most notable examples of this. Mrs. Reed and Mr. Brocklehurst both take the needy in to their care, but do not take care of them. Mrs. Reed abuses Jane and allows her children, especially her son, John to abuse her behind her back. Mr. Brocklehurst is far worse and attempts to justify himself through the farce of education, justifying his cruelty by claiming that his ‘aim is not to pamper the body but strengthen the soul’. Whilst both appear at first glance to be generous benefactors, they are in fact disguising a rotten core- this acts as an interesting metaphor for the corruption within the class system- and is a continuing theme throughout the novel, as we later notice the wealthy exterior of Thornfield disguises a dark secret. Similarly Annette also experiences injustice with in her childhood from people in positions of guardianship and authority; the most notable example being Annette, her mother. It is Annette’s cruelty and her mysterious death that creates much of the interest with in the novel. An example of this indifference is when Annette wishes to leave Jamaica and comments ‘It is not safe for Pierre’, in this moment it is as if Annette forgets she has another child, creating sympathy for Antoinette from the audience and causing us to wonder, why? Just like Jane’s early disconnection with her parental/custodian figures Annette’s lack of bond with her mother shapes the character she will later become, and engages the reader by providing a character who has many depths and who has the ability to be altered throughout the novel. Annette’s death also presents another point of interest for the reader, Antoinette comments upon her passing casually and we are never made aware of how she truly died. This foreshadows the mysterious death of Antoinette and as the reader is already aware at this point of Annette’s mental deterioration we begin to wonder how it is that the novel will end. Interestingly this proceeds in to a cycle with in Jane Eyre as Bertha’s death causes the reader to question: what will become of Jane? Helen Burns acts as a very positive point of interest with in Jane Eyre. It is firstly important to note the name Bronte used for ‘Helen Burns’. Firstly fire has positive connotations in ‘Jane Eyre’ and is often associated with positive destruction, as the name Helen can be translated to ‘reed’ this may refer to the destruction of Mrs Reed’s negative impact upon Jane. It also seems to have religious connotations as it sounds like a Minimal Pair of Hell burns, which mirrors Helen’s deeply religious character. The biggest impact Helen has with in the novel is that she teaches Jane the lesson of forgiveness; whilst Jane begins her time at Lowood believing that’s she should ‘fight fire with fire’ Helen teaches her to ‘return good for evil’. This is significant as later in the novel Jane proves this lesson learnt when she forgives Mrs Reed at her death bed. Helens influence may also be why Jane chooses to leave Rochester after discovering the existence of Bertha; it is in this moment that she again illustrates a self-sacrificing nature much like Helen’s. This not only creates interest because of the events triggered with in the novel from Helen’s teachings but Helen also gives a moral to the story. Miss Temple also has a semi-allegorical aspect; for eight years, she provides Jane with a place of refuge, which is mirrored in her name ‘Temple’. Miss Temple also provides Jane with a female role model she was lacking in early life. These two characters provide the novel with a religious undertone, and provide Bronte with a voice to comment upon her own religious beliefs and to question the morality with in Victorian society. Antoinette’s experience differs from Jane’s; the only character who is consistently kind to Antoinette throughout the novel is Christophine. In the case of Miss Temple and Helen Burns to Jane, Christophine becomes a role model to Antoinette. As a woman of colour, Christophine should be doubly disadvantaged by the patriarchal imperialism that rules the West Indies in the post-emancipation period. Yet, she is in many ways likened to the White men that are apparently more civilized than her. Christophine even seems to share the same values as these men: ‘Three children I have†¦each one a different father, but no husband, I thank my God’. However, whilst Jane finds an antidote to her passion and inner ‘id’, Christophine’s passion only adds fuel to Antoinette’s, resulting in her eventual destruction. Christophine’s character also adds much of the mystery to the novel, her practice of Obeah adds a sense of foreboding to the novel and paints her as a character to be feared, and compared to the ‘civilised’ Mr Rochester. Minor characters can also act as points of comparison for both the reader and the protagonist. In ‘Jane Eyre’ both Blanche Ingram and Bertha are provided as characters to be contrasted with Jane. Firstly Blanche Ingram is viewed by Jane as her love rival for Rochester’s attentions. In creating contrasting portraits of herself and Blanche, Jane emphasizes her own plainness. To Blanche, on the other hand, she gives the loveliest face she can imagine; here Janes passions become hyperbolic, as she cannot fully discipline her jealousy of Blanche. However Bronte’s use of words describes a much different character, she is described as having ‘raven-black’ hair arranged in glossy curls, and ‘brilliant black eyes’, which contrast with the ‘pure white’ clothes she wears. As with Janes descriptions of Mrs. Reed and her son John, ‘darkness’ often has negative connotations. Therefore, Janes (and so Bronte’s) description of Blanche, which emphasizes her dark, Spanish features, implies a negative side of her personality and creates dramatic irony i. e. It allows the reader to know that Blanche will not end up with Rochester instead of Jane. Within ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ Bertha is most prominently compared with her mother, Bertha’s true name ‘Antoinette’ means ‘daughter of Annette’ and part of the reason why Rochester changes Antoinette’s name is that he fears she will become mad just like her. Unfortunately this is the fate that Antoinette meets; and not only does she suffer the ‘anglicising’ that her mother experienced at the hands of her husband but also the dissent in to madness. Providing her mother as a point of comparison not only foreshadows Antoinette’s fate, creating more suspense for the reader, but also causes the reader to question whether Antoinette’s madness was hereditary or a result of Rochester’s cruelty. In conclusion minor characters with in ‘Jane Eyre’ do create much of the interest It is a combination of their influence on our protagonist and the opportunity they provide for the authors to comment upon society and the protagonist they have created that makes minor characters such a point of interest for the reader.
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