Monday, September 9, 2019

Leadership week6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership week6 - Essay Example As a leader, one has a role of ensuring there is collaboration in case of conflict and solution to the actual problem, mutual trust, reinforcing respect and one earns a good reputation as a mediator. Besides collaborating, I have realized to manage and solve conflict through withdrawal and compromising. Both parties need to get satisfaction by deliberating on the issue at hand causing the conflict. Similarly, one has to withdraw from the conflict in order to end the disagreement. These are new skills acquired because of the course as the contents provided me with the required knowledge of managing conflict as a leader. Conflict resolutions tips at work place documented by Huff (2008) in his interview are very important in giving a clue of the expected. As a student, I found it educating and would share it in the class for other students to grasp on the process involved in managing and resolving conflict. Despite the challenges, which come because of conflict, it is essential in developing moves forward as it help in realizing the weaknesses leaders have in their

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